Thursday, May 31, 2012


As a child friend says when the subject is an upcoming event, I am now 3 sleeps away from starting my journey.  Have sold the car and 3 more pieces of furniture, and arranged for a truck to move my stuff to storage. My bags are packed and by the back door.  I am frustrated by how much stuff I didn't get rid of already.  Too many clothes, too many books.  Also thinking about how much stuff I have bought for this move.  The camera is about the only thing I think I really needed, yet I have a new computer, new shoes, even new underwear. And I'm throwing away perfectly good stuff.  Nautilus Street has a nice tradition though, we put the reusables out in the alley;  a nice man came this morning and took all the clothes and food I had already put out there to take to Mexico.  I rushed to give him more until he had to leave.  My neighbor saw us and gave him a frozen turkey she got for free at Von's that she didn't need.  So. Much. Stuff.

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